How to Find a Water Leak Inside of a Wall
It can be unsettling to know that you have a water leak inside your wall. What is comforting, however, is to know how to find it yourself. While a lot of water leaks are caused by faulty plumbing, leakage can also come from rainwater finding its way inside of your walls from cracked or leaky foundation. Whatever the reason for the water leak, in this article, we’re going to look at how to find it. We’re going to look at the five top ways to see where your leak is coming from.
Discolouration or Peeling
You’ll know that you have a leak based on patches of discolouration or peeling paint or wallpaper. This discolouration can sometimes be mold or mildew residue, or it can just be the water saturating the paint and dripping in from the other side. With peeling paint, you’re going to see random paint peels, bubbling of paint, or crumbling. Anywhere that the surface of the paint tends to peel away from your wall is a telltale sign that you’ve got a leak there.
Standing Water
In bad cases, you might see standing puddles of water near walls or appliances. If you see this pooled water, it is a sure sign that you have a leak. Standing or puddling water can also manifest itself on carpet as random stains coming from a wall or strange texture of the carpet.
It’s also important to note that if you notice an increase in your allergies and you have a mold sensitivity, it can be time to check for a water leak in your home. Most people do have some type of mold sensitivity, and you’ll be able to notice a rise in the mold in your house because of a leak. If you pay attention, your allergies get worse. While this could just be coincidental and seasonal, if it’s pretty sudden, it’s likely that you have a case of mold.
Rise In Water Bill
Another way to tell you have a leak is by noticing a quick uptick in your water bill. If there is a sharp rise in your water bill it could mean that you’re losing water somewhere. While this doesn’t tell you where the leak is, it allows you to see that you need to call a plumber or locate the leak yourself because you do, in fact, have a leak.
Musty Smell
You will also be able to tell you have a leak if you notice a musty smell in your house. Sitting water is a very distinct smell, and so is the formation of mold. Even if you can’t see the mold, mildew, or water, you will usually be able to smell it.
Dripping Sounds
If you notice dripping sounds coming from a wall or in your basement you will usually find a leak. This might sound obvious, but sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between normal sounds of the house and things that you should be concerned about, so it is important to note that this is one of those things to be concerned about. If you hear or see a drip when the faucet or shower is off, this may be an early sign that there is an issue with your plumbing or leakage.
How to fix it?
You can purchase or rent a moisture meter at a hardware store and use that to find the leak’s source. Simply point at various areas in the wall until you find a spot that reads highest on the meter. If you call a professional plumber to do this job, they will bring this equipment with them. Alternatively, you can also use an infrared camera to detect colder areas in a wall. Wet areas will show up cold and will appear blue on the camera. Another way to do this is to cut into your drywall. This test is more of a last resort because it requires repairs and of course is the most invasive. It can also be unfortunate if you cut a piece of drywall and are incorrect about where the leak might have been.
If you suspect that you have a water leak inside a wall of your home it is crucial to get this fixed as soon as possible to eliminate the risk of additional damage and health concerns. Contact CanWest Mechanical for all of your routine and emergency plumbing needs. We are here for you.
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